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Announcement under Regulation 30

fiberwebindia Announcement under Regulation 30
Intimation of Book Closure
Closure of Trading Window
Regulation 10(6) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
Regulation 10(5) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
Regulation 23(9) Related Party Transactions Half Year Ended 31.03.2024
Reg 30 Incremental Borrowing
Reg 30 Reappointment of Statutory Auditor
Intimation of Trading Window Closure
Intimation of Trading Window Closure
Intimation of Trading Window Closure
Intimation of Trading Window Closure
Intimation of Book Closure
Announcement Under Regulation 30 Change in Directorate
Announcement Under Regulation 30 Reconstitution of Committee
Intimation of Trading Window Closure
Regulation 23(9) Related Party Transactions Half Year Ended 31.03.2023
Intimation of Trading Window Closure
Announcement under Regulation 30