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Corporate Governance

fiberwebindia Corporate Governance

Your Company has always been conducting its business with due compliance of laws, rules, regulations and with sound internal control systems and procedures. As per Clause ‘C’ of Schedule V on Annual Report pursuant to Regulations 34(3) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 the Company has complied with all the provisions of Corporate Governance.

The Company has obtained a Certificate from the Auditors of the Company regarding compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015.This is annexed to the Directors Report.

Policy on Directors’ Appointment
  • Policy on Directors’ appointment is to follow the criteria as laid down under the Companies Act, 2013 and the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. Emphasis is given to persons from diverse fields or professions.
Policy on Remuneration

Guiding Policy on remuneration of Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and employees of the Company is that –

  • Remuneration to unionized workmen is based on the periodical settlement with the workmen union.
  • Remuneration to Key Managerial Personnel, Senior Executives, Managers, Staff and Workmen (nonUnionised) is industry driven in which it is operating taking into account the performance leverage and factors such as to attract and retain quality talent.
  • For Directors, it is based on the shareholders resolutions, provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules framed therein, circulars and guidelines issued by Central Government and other authorities from time to time.

The Board of Directors of the Company has initiated and put in place evaluation of its own performance, its committees and individual directors. The results of the evaluation are satisfactory and adequate and meet the requirement of the Company.

Pursuant to Section 149(7) of the Companies Act, 2013, Independent Directors of the Company have made a declaration confirming the compliance of the conditions of the independence stipulated in Section 149(6) of the Act and the same has been taken on record by the Board of Directors of the Company.

In accordance with the provisions of the Act and the Articles of Association of the Company, Mr. Bhavesh P. Sheth and Ms. Soniya P. Sheth, Directors of the Company, retire by rotation at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and being eligible offer themselves for reappointment. Your Directors recommend that re-election of Mr. Bhavesh P. Sheth and Ms. Soniya P. Sheth will be in the interest of the Company.

Mr. Pravin V. Sheth, on completion of his terms of appointment ceased to be Managing Director of the Company but he will continue as a Director of the Company. Mr. Pravin V. Sheth, Managing Director liable to retirement by rotation, whose term expired on 30th September, 2018 did not offer himself for reappointment and accordingly he was not re-appointed as a Managing Director of the Company. However, he will continue as a Chairman Emeritus.

Ms. Sunita Agarwal, Company Secretary of the Company resigned on 15th May, 2017 due to her preoccupation and in her place Ms. Nital Chirag Gandhi has been appointed as Company Secretary w.e.f 15/05/2017 upto 14/10/2017. During the year Company has appointed Ms. Rakhi Patwa as Company Secretary w.e.f 08/01/2018 and resigned on 27/02/2018 due to her preoccupation and in her place Ms. Sonal Sharma has been appointed as Company Secretary w.e.f 07/03/2018.

Pursuant to the requirements of Section 134(3) (c) of the Companies Act, 2013 and on the basis of explanation and compliance certificate given by the executives of the Company, and subject to disclosures in the Annual Accounts and also on the basis of discussions with the Statutory Auditors of the Company from time to time, we state as under:

● That in the preparation of the accounts for the financial period ended 31st March, 2018, the applicable accounting standards have been followed along with proper explanation relating to material departures ;

● That the Directors have selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made judgments and estimates that were reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company at the end of the financial period and of the profit or loss of the Company for the period under review;

● That the Directors have taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with provisions of the Companies Act, 2013for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities;

● That the Directors have prepared the annual accounts for the financial period ended 31st March, 2018 on a ‘going concern’ basis.

● The Directors have laid down internal financial controls to be followed by the Company and that such internal financial controls are adequate and are operating effectively; and

● The Directors have devised proper system to ensure compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws and that such systems are adequate and operating effectively.

Thirteen meetings of the Board of Directors were held during the year. For further details, please refer report on Corporate Governance in the Annual Report.

Composition of Audit Committee of Directors, Nomination and Remuneration Committee of Directors and Stakeholders Relationship/ Grievance Committee of Directors, Number of meetings held of each Committee during the financial year 2017-18 and meetings attended by each member of the Committee as required under the Companies Act, 2013 are provided in Corporate Governance Report forming part of the report. All the recommendations made by the Audit Committee were accepted by the Board.

The Directors state that applicable Secretarial Standards, i.e. SS-1 and SS-2, relating to ‘Meetings of the Board of Directors’ and ‘General Meetings’, respectively, have been duly followed by the Company.

There is no transaction with Related Party which requires disclosure under Section 134(3) (h) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 8(2) of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014.

There were no Material Related party transaction(s) made with the Company’s promoters, Directors, Key Managerial Personnel or their relatives as specified under Regulation 23 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

All Related Party Transactions are placed before the Audit Committee for their prior approval. The Policyon Related Party Transactions as approved by the Board is uploaded on the Company’s website:

Since all the transaction with Related Parties entered during the Financial Year 2017-18 by the Company, were in its ordinary course of business and on arm’s length basis FORM AOC- 2 is not applicable to theCompany. However the same are provided in the financial statement forming part of this annual report.


Particulars of Loans given, investments made, guarantees given and securities provided, if any, alongwith the purpose for which the loan or guarantee or security is proposed to be utilized by the recipient are provided in the standalone financial statement forming part of this annual report.


The Company is having in place Internal Financial Controls System. The Internal Financial Controls with reference to the financial statements were adequate and operating effectively.


During the year, your Directors have constituted a Risk Management Committee which has been entrusted with the responsibility to assist the board in (a) Overseeing and approving the Company’s risk management framework; and (b) Overseeing that all the risks that the organization faces such as strategic, financial, credit, market, liquidity, security, property, IT, legal regulatory, reputational and other risks have been identified and assessed and there is an adequate risk management infrastructure in place capable of addressing those risks. A Group Risk Management Policy was reviewed and approved by the Committee.

The Company manages monitors and reports on the principle risks and uncertainties that can impact its ability to achieve its strategic objectives. The Company’s management systems, organisational structures, processes, standards, code of conduct and behaviors that governs how the Group conducts the business of the Company and manages associated risks.


The Board of Directors of the Company at their meeting held on 19/01/2017 discussed the future plans of the Company and possible growth options. During previous year the paid-up capital of the Company was only Rs.12.60crore. The Company proposed to expand its manufacturing facilities at the present Nani Daman unit, for which substantial funds is required. The proposed preferential issue will benefit the Company in the long run as the promoter and/or non-promoter are bringing the funds at a premium, which will benefit the Company as well as other shareholders of the Company. The proposed funds will give leverage to the Company to expand its manufacturing facilities, which can give better return on investment. It was also felt that the present capital is too small for the growth & investment activities, which Company intend to undertake in future. Based on the above discussions, the Board in order to raise resources to fund the expansion plans of its present manufacturing facilities, to invest in wholly owned subsidiaries; to repay any loans/ICD taken, to meet working capital requirements and for general corporate purposes, thought it prudent to infuse fresh equity capital in the Company by issue and allotment of 1800000 ( Eighteen Lacs only)Convertible Equity Warrants of face value of Rs. 10/- (Rupees Ten Only) each at an Issue Price of Rs. 181/- (including premium amount of Rs. 171/-) per Convertible Equity Warrants aggregating to Rs. 325800000/- (Rupees Thirty-Two Crores Fifty-Eight Lacs Only), or at such higher prices as may be determined in compliance with Chapter VII of the SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2009 on Preferential Basis to the Strategic Investors, not forming part of the Promoter

In view of the above it was decided to issue 18,00,000 convertible Equity warrants of face value of Rs. 10/- each at an Issue price of Rs.181/- per convertible Equity warrant (including premium of Rs. 171/- per share warrant) on preferential basisto the Strategic Investors, not forming part of the Promoter Group of the Companyand for which members approval has been obtained in the Extra Ordinary General Meeting held on 18/02/2017.In this connection, the Company has complied with the Companies Act, 2013 as well as Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009 and other applicable laws. 25% of the value of the Warrants (advance payment) shall become payable on the date of their allotment. Hence on 11/03/2017, the Board of Directors of the Company has allotted 18,00,000 convertible Equity warrants on preferential basis to the group of Strategic Investors not forming part of the promoters group. The balance amount is payable at the time of conversion of Warrants into Equity Shares. The said advance payment of 25% shall be kept by the Company as a deposit to be adjusted and appropriated against the price of the Equity shares payable by the warrant holder at the time of exercising the option. Upon receipt of the requisite payment, as above the Board shall allot one equity share against each warrant by appropriating Rs. 10/- per equity shares towards equity share capital (Rs. 10/-). Further on 29/03/2017, 7,00,000 equity warrants were converted in to 7,00,000 equity shares of face value of Rs. 10/- each @ Rs.181/- per share (including premium of Rs. 171/- per share) after receiving balance 75% of exercise amount. Out of 18,00,000 convertible equity warrants only 7,00,000 equity warrants converted into 7,00,000 Equity shares and balance 11,00,000 equity warrants to be converted within 18 months from the date of issue of warrants. Further on 15/04/2017, 1,00,000 equity warrants were converted in to 1,00,000 equity shares of face value of Rs. 10/- each @ Rs.181/- per share (including premium of Rs. 171/- per share) after receiving balance 75% of exercise amount. The Company has also received Trading approval from BSE on 06/07/2017 for 7,25,000 equity shares and on 12/07/2017 for 75,000 equity shares. Further on 06/07/2017, 10,00,000 equity warrants were converted in to 10,00,000 equity shares of face value of Rs. 10/- each @ Rs.181/- per share (including premium of Rs. 171/- per share) after receiving balance 75% of exercise amount. The Company has received Trading approval on 23/08/2017 from BSE for 10,00,000 equity shares.

The Vigil Mechanism of the Company, which also incorporates a whistle blower policy in terms of the Listing Agreement, includes an Ethics & Compliance Task Force comprising senior executives of the Company. Protected disclosures can be made by a whistle blower through an e-mail, or dedicated telephone line or a letter to the Task Force or the Chairman of the Audit Committee. The Policy on vigil mechanism and whistle blower policy may be accessed on the Company’s website at the link:

Your Company has put in place Whistle Blower Mechanism. The detailed mechanism is given in Corporate Governance Report forming part of this report.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, the names and other particulars of employees are set out in a separate statement attached herewith and forming part of the report.